Veterans Services
DWS Veterans Services
Jobs for Veterans State Grants
DWS Veteran staff are ready to assist you at the Arkansas Workforce Centers. Be sure to identify yourself as a Veteran for priority of service. Priority of service means that Veterans and eligible spouses are entitled to take precedence over non-covered persons in obtaining employment, training, and placement services.
At the Arkansas Workforce Centers, Veterans receive priority of service through Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG)-funded specialists, Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists, and Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVERs).
DWS can help Veterans with the following:
- Creating/updating your resume
- Creating your Arkansas JobLink account
- Assessing your skills and interests
- Career counseling/planning
- Searching for jobs
- Connecting you to hiring employers
- Preparing you for employment
- Transitioning to civilian work
- Registering for benefits
- Providing information about other resources for Veterans
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialists
Contact a Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist
The DWS DVOP Specialists provide intensive services to meet the employment needs of disabled veterans and other eligible veterans, with the maximum emphasis on serving those economically or educationally disadvantaged, including homeless veterans and veterans with barriers to employment. DVOP specialists are actively involved in outreach efforts to increase program participation among those with the greatest barriers to employment, which may include: outplacement in Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program offices, DVA Medical Centers, routine site visits to Veterans Service Organization meetings, Native American Trust Territories, Military installations and other areas of known concentrations of veterans or transitioning service members. The case management approach, taught by the National Veterans’ Training Institute, is generally accepted as the method to use when providing vocational guidance or related services to eligible veterans identified as needing intensive services.
Intensive services provided by DVOPs can include:
- Comprehensive skill and needs assessments;
- Individualized Employment Plan (IEP) development;
- Group and individual counseling and career planning; and
- Short-term pre-placement services like basic life and interviewing skills.
Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER)
Local Veterans Employment Representatives conduct outreach to employers and engage in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans, encourage the hiring of disabled veterans, and generally assist veterans in gaining and retaining employment. LVER staff conduct seminars for employers and job search workshops for veterans seeking employment and facilitate priority of service in regards to employment, training, and placement services furnished to veterans by all staff of the employment service delivery system.
For questions regarding services to veterans, visit or contact your nearest Arkansas Workforce Center and identify yourself as a veteran.